Flexibility is the greatest perk

Assuming you’re already paying well, how can you keep your staff?

James Stanier
6 min readJan 4, 2019


Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash.

Where we are

Given that technology talent is in significant demand, and given that salaries can only go so high before they fail to become a meaningful differentiator, companies need to find new ways to attract and retain staff.

As a manager of engineers, aside from making sure that I am paying market rate, I’ve found that the most impactful workplace perk that I can give staff is flexibility over the time and location of their work.

Typically this means:

  • The ability for my staff to work from home (or elsewhere) when they need, either for productivity reasons or for any other life reason.
  • No strict start and end of the day, since we’re not a factory.

This perk costs you pretty much nothing, but the effect on employee happiness can be something quite special.

It can give someone the ability to do all of their children’s school runs. It can save thousands on peak time public transport costs. It can allow someone to care better for a dependent in need. It can take the pressure off of a partner working full-time with no flexibility of their own. It can allow someone to visit their family for two…



James Stanier

Writing things that interest me. Hopefully they'll interest you as well.